Welcome to Gospel Peace UK

 ‘God commends His love to us, in that while were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Romans 5:8)

The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth, the time of
the singing [of birds] has come and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in the land

Hello and  welcome to this website. We are a small group of Christians from more than one denomination and although we differ in our views on points of Christian practice, we have each found peace with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We hope by expounding scripture to set before you the character of God and His way of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

You will see that there are 9 main headings on this site, 4 of which will be updated regularly. ‘Weekly Word’ is self-explanatory; once a week on a Sunday, there will be, God Willing, an exposition of scripture. The ‘Daily Readings’ deal with walking the Christian way, encouragements, maybe rebukes, and so forth. ‘Specials’ will appear on special days throughout the year, while ‘Miscellany’ will comprise studies on Biblical characters, the occasional hymn and excerpts from a new translation of the New Testament 2023, a spiritual mix. We are not  looking to entertain but to edify.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24)